This is the traffic resolution for Bunny Street, between Lambton Quay and Featherston Street, that went out for feedback in July 2017.
This is the traffic resolution for Featherston Street, between Bunny Street and Ballance Street, that went out for feedback in October 2017.
This is the traffic resolution report for changes to Grey Street and Featherston Street for installing the covered bike rack, that went out for feedback in July 2017.
This is the traffic resolution for the southern end of Kent Terrace and Cambridge Terrace, that went out for feedback in October 2017.
This is the traffic resolution for lower Cuba Street, between Wakefield Street and Manners Street, that went out for feedback in July 2017.
This is the traffic resolution for Post Office Square, between Customhouse Quay and Jervois Quay, that went out for feedback in October 2017.
This is the traffic resolution report for the Rugby Street bike lane between Adelaide Road and Tasman Street that went out for feedback in July 2017.
This traffic resolution outlines the proposed contra-flow bike lane for Cuba Street between Ghuznee Street and Vivian Street. At this stage, the proposal is not going ahead.
This traffic resolution outlines the proposal for a contra-flow lane on Willeston Street between Willis Street and Victoria Street. At this stage, the proposal is not being progressed.