Wellington City Council
Cycle data
Why we're changing our streets
Types of changes
Things are happening in different parts of the city
Motorcycle parking
Aotea Quay
In use
Aro Valley connections
In use
Project details
Berhampore and Newtown parking scheme
In use
Berhampore to Newtown
Under construction
How we're rolling out changes
What we consulted on
Berhampore village
In use
Bike network plan
In use
Botanic Garden ki Paekākā to city
In use
Project details
Brooklyn connections
Project details
Central city
In use
Bunny Street
Featherston Street
Grey Street
Kent and Cambridge Terrace
Lower Cuba
Post Office Square
Rugby Street
Unlikely to proceed
Upper Cuba
Willeston Street
Cobham Drive
In use
Evans Bay
In use
Oriental Bay to Greta Point
Greta Point to Cobham Drive
Hutt Road
In use
Karori connections
Under construction
Project details
Consultation design details
Kilbirnie connections
In use
Project details
Miramar Town Centre
In use
Shelly Bay Road to Tauhinu Road
On hold
Tauhinu Road to Park Road
Newtown to city
In use
Project details
Ngaio connections
In use
Project details
Oriental Bay
In use
The Parade
In use
Shelly Bay Road
On hold
Te Motu Kairangi connections
Thorndon connections
In use
What we consulted on
Thorndon Quay
Under construction
Project details
Wadestown connections
In use
Parking scheme to come in 2025 - what we consulted on
Wakely Road shared path
In use
Sharrow road markings
In use