Freyberg Street neighbourhood street trial

Freyberg Street and Wha Street intersection

These are the plans showing trial changes at the intersection of Freyberg Street and Wha Street.

Freyberg Street Intersection design (606 KB)

Freyberg Street pedestrian area

This plan shows the trial changes on Freyberg Street near the school entrance.

Freyberg Street School Closure (486 KB)

Freyberg Street neighbourhood street trial - evaluation memo

This memo outlines the findings from the first six months of the trial - including monitoring and evaluation results.

Freyberg Neighbourhood Trial board memo (963 KB)

Installation documents

Installation plans

This document shows plans of the street changes to be installed. These plans have been refined from the set published at the time of consultation. Refinements are made in response to community feedback and Council decisions.

Kilbirnie connections construction plans Optimized IFC issue (19 MB)

Akau Tangi shared path construction plans

This document shows the construction plans for the shared path near the Akau Tangi sports centre. 

Akau Tangi shared path construction drawings (6.4 MB)

2023 Consultation supporting documents

Traffic Resolution TR62-23

This document describes in detail the proposed changes and controls to the streets.

TR 62 23 Kilbirnie Connections walking, bike and bus improvements 1 (9.1 MB)

The plans

These are drawings and plans of the area. The general layout show the proposed changes to road markings and signage in the area. Please note that these plans do not include the changes to the Ākau Tangi shared path, Salek Street/Rongotai intersection and the Onepu/Rongotai intersection. They are available in other documents on this page.

Kilbirnie Connections FINAL designs for TR (13 MB)

Multi-criteria analysis (MCA)

This document describes the options we considered when developing the proposed changes for the Kilbirnie Connections area.

A Kilbirnie Connections Transitional Cycleway Multi Criteria Analysis FINAL 22Aug (5.4 MB)

Road safety and accessibility audit

This is an independent review of the proposed plans

KilbirnieRoad SafetyAudit FINAL (2.8 MB)

Ākau Tangi shared path and Salek Street plan

These are drawings and plans of the Ākau Tangi shared path and Salek Street changes.

AkauTangiSharedPathANDSalekTeWhitiStreet v2 (4.3 MB)

Rongotai/Onepu intersection plans

These are drawings and plans of the Onepu Road and Rongotai Road intersection.

Rongotai Onepu intersection Upgrade Detail Design Rev Cv1 (3.2 MB)

Kilbirnie Parking Management Plan

This parking management plan covers parking data and makes recommendations for the management of parking in the area.

Kilbirnie Connections Parking Management Plan (12 MB)

Consultation summary

This document summaries feedback received from the community about the project during the March 2023 consultation period. This report was presented to Council, along with all submissions in full when they were making the decision to proceed to installation.

KilbirnieConnections ConsultationSummary 27April23 FINAL (4.1 MB)

2018/19 changes - supporting documents

Issues paper

The Council commissioned this report to investigate improvement options for Kilbirnie.
Kilbirnie Connections Draft Issue Paper (3.5 MB)

Design report

The Kilbirnie Connections Design Report (updated February 2018) provides information about the community working group process, options for each street, and the multi-criteria assessment.

Wellington Urban Cycleways Programme Design Report Kilbirnie Connections 19 February 2018Final (4.1 MB)

Kilbirnie options concepts

View street plans and cross-sections for each option in Kilbirnie.

Kilbirnie Connections option concepts (14 MB)

Committee Report - April 2018

Read the report on Evans Bay Parade from the 19 April City Strategy Committee meeting.

EvansBayParade CommitteeReport April19 (7.5 MB)

Coutts Street - Traffic Resolution

The traffic resolution details the roading and parking changes that are required.

TR172 17 Coutts Street Cycleway Improvements Traffic Resolution (696 KB)

Evans Bay Parade - Traffic Resolution

The traffic resolution details the roading and parking changes that are required.

TR29 18 Evans Bay Parade Cycleway Improvements Traffic Resolution Final (935 KB)

Upper Constable Street and Crawford Road - Traffic Resolutions

The traffic resolution details the roading and parking changes that are required.

Constable Street (334KB PDF)

Crawford Road (707KB PDF)

Rongotai Road - Traffic Resolution

The traffic resolution details the roading and parking changes that are required.

TR169 17 Rongotai Road Cycleway Improvements Traffic Resolution (619 KB)

Tirangi Road - Traffic Resolution

The traffic resolution details the roading and parking changes that are required. Read the full Traffic Resolution Report (306KB PDF).

Te Whiti Street - Traffic Resolution

The traffic resolution details the roading and parking changes that are required. Read the full Traffic Resolution Report (345KB PDF)

Yule Street - Traffic Resolution

 The traffic resolution details the roading and parking changes that are required. Read the Traffic Resolution Report (537KB PDF).