The plans summarised here are what we consulted on - see the final designs. The changes include:

  • Raised crossings on Adelaide Road:
    • new raised crossing at Herald and Britomart streets
    • raised crossing at Chilka Street
    • new raised crossing at Duppa Street and Lavaud Street
    • raised pedestrian crossing at Wakefield Park
  • New crossing point on The Parade near Dee Street
  • Safer bike route between Dee Street and Berhampore shops, with separated bike lanes on uphill sections, shared lanes in downhill directions, and bike lanes on both sides along flat sections:
    • separated southbound bike lane on The Parade from Dover Street to Dee Street
    • separated uphill northbound bike lane on The Parade and Adelaide Road from Dee Street to Britomart Street, except between Duppa and Chilka streets where the downhill bike lane is too narrow for separation
    • separated uphill southbound bike lane on Adelaide Road from Chilka Street to the start of Wakefield Park (at 559 Adelaide Road)
    • hook turn for northbound bikes on Adelaide Road to turn right into Luxford Street
    • advanced green cycle light at Britomart Street for people riding north
  • New signalised crossing at the intersection of Adelaide Road and Britomart Street, with changes to traffic light phasing
  • New speed feedback sign for southbound drivers entering the 30km/h zone on Adelaide Road
  • Shared traffic lanes through Berhampore shopping area on Adelaide Road
  • New give way signs on four side streets (Akatea, Dawson, Duppa, and Dover streets) at the intersections with Adelaide Road and The Parade
  • New speed humps on either side of Dee Street roundabout.
Bus stop changes
  • On Adelaide Road, new raised bus platform at bus stop 7126
  • On Adelaide Road, to improve bus stop spacing where stops are too close together:
    • relocate bus stop 6125 (near 493 Adelaide Road) about 10m north so it’s easier to get on and off the bus
    • remove bus stop 7125 north of Chilka Street (near 500 Adelaide Road)
    • relocate bus stop 7126 at Duppa Street about 16m north to make space for a new raised crossing
    • combine bus stop 6126 (at Dawson Street) and stop 6127 (near 559 Adelaide) into a new stop near Lavaud Street, close to a new raised crossing
    • relocate the bus stop pair 7128 (at Wakefield Park) and 6128 (at Dover Street) about 140m north adjacent to the raised crossing
    • at Berhampore shops, combine bus stop 7124 (on Luxford Street), bus stop 7424 and bus stop 7125 (both on Adelaide Road) into one new stop located outside 460-464 Adelaide Road
    • no-stopping lines on either side of all bus stops so it's easier for buses to pull in and out
    • new raised platforms at bus stops 6126 (Lavaud Street steps), 7126 (Duppa Street), and 7128 (Wakefield Park)
  • On The Parade, relocate bus stop 7129 (near 36 The Parade) about 4m north to make space for a new crossing point.

Parking changes

Adelaide Road – Luxford Street to Wakefield Park

The proposed resident parking scheme for Berhampore and Newtown (P120 except for residents) would apply to the parking that remains on these streets.

Proposed changes here include:

  • About 30 parking spaces on Adelaide Road will remain between Luxford Street and Wakefield Park
  • Remove about 65 unrestricted spaces, including:
    • about 23 spaces on the western side between Wakefield Park and Britomart Street 
    • about 42 parking spaces on the eastern side between Chilka Street and 559 Adelaide Road
  • Replace two P60 parking spaces in the indented bay between Luxford and Herald streets with a P30 loading zone (8am to 6pm)
  • Replace bus stop 7124 (at Berhampore shops, outside 450 Adelaide Road) with two off-peak P60 parking spaces (the bus stop is being relocated)
  • Replace four clearway/off-peak parking spaces outside 464-468 Adelaide Road with one off-peak P30 loading zone (9.30am to 3pm) and relocated bus stop 7124
  • On Herald Street, change the five unrestricted parking spaces near Adelaide Road to five P60 spaces.
Adelaide Road – Wakefield Park to Dover Street

This area is outside the proposed resident parking scheme.

Proposed changes here include:

  • Keep about 85 parking spaces on Adelaide Road between Wakefield Park and Dover Street
  • Remove eight unrestricted parking spaces
  • Add seven new car parking spaces at the bus turnaround area near Dover Street
  • Add 15 angled off-street parking spaces on Dover Street
  • Replace one unrestricted parking space on Adelaide Road with a P5 pick-up and drop-off zone near the pedestrian crossing by Wakefield Park.
The Parade – Dover Street to Dee Street

This area is outside the proposed resident parking scheme.

  • Remove kerbside parking on both sides of the road to install the separated bike lane between 9 The Parade and Dover Street (about 15 spaces)
  • Keep two unrestricted spaces between the bike lane and traffic lane on the eastern side just before the Dee Street intersection.

Note: Numbers of unrestricted parks are approximate as individual spaces are not marked.

Wakefield Park

Wakefield Park is a regional centre for sports and recreation and many people travel here from other suburbs and the region for weekend sport, training, and competitions.

We have worked closely with the sports clubs based at Wakefield Park to retain on-street parking while still making it safer and easier for people to get to the park in climate-friendly ways. More people are already taking their children to weekend sport by cargo bike and better bike parking has also been a priority.

As well as a safe biking connection, the changes near Wakefield Park include:

  • Improved pedestrian safety with a new raised crossing on Adelaide Road and better access to the existing crossings
  • Narrower traffic lanes that will help to lower speeds
  • Bus stop changes, including moving some stops to better locations
  • Retaining the existing on-street parking capacity in the Wakefield Park area, and:
    • providing 15 new off-street angle parking spaces on Dover Street and seven new spaces in the bus turnaround area
    • working with our Parks team to look at options for increasing the amount of off-street parking in the upper and lower car parks at the sportsground
    • providing better bike parking, including a ‘bike box’ (covered parking).

Explore the changes on different streets

Adelaide Road and Luxford Street intersection

The corner of Adelaide Road and Luxford Street, looking towards Island Bay

Click and drag to compare

Adelaide Road

Adelaide Road by Wakefield Park looking towards Island Bay

Click and drag to compare