The improvements for pedestrians, bikes, and buses on the Berhampore to Newtown route are almost complete.
From mid-February to early March 2025
The remaining work will include:
- new bike lanes on both sides of Luxford Street and an uphill lane on Rintoul Street from Luxford Street to Te Wharepōuri Street - these will be installed from mid-February 2025 following the completion of routine road maintenance and resealing.
Completed work
This includes:
- a new parking area with 15 spaces on Dover Street, eight new parking spaces in the bus turnaround area on Adelaide Road, and upgrades to the upper car park at Wakefield Park
- a new raised crossing on Rintoul Street at the Luxford Street shops and removal of the right turn from Luxford Street into Rintoul Street
- new bus platforms on Rintoul Street, Luxford Street, and Adelaide Road, with some bus stops slightly relocated
- a pedestrian refuge island on Adelaide Road near Dee Street, relocated pedestrian refuge island from the bus turnaround area to south of Dover Street, and speed humps on The Parade at Dee Street roundabout
- a raised crossing and two bus platforms on Adelaide Road south of Duppa Street
- a raised crossing at South Wellington Intermediate School and near Arvida Village in the Park and Wakefield Hospital
- a raised pedestrian crossing by Wakefield Park and an improved pedestrian refuge crossing
- new uphill bike lanes on sections of Adelaide Road and Rintoul Street
- a new raised signalised crossing at the Adelaide Road/Britomart Street intersection
- a raised pedestrian and bike crossing on Adelaide Road (near the BP station) to reinforce the 30km/h speed limit and provide a safer way for people on bikes to make the right turn into Luxford Street
- a new combined northbound bus stop (7124) on Adelaide Road at the shops
- a new section of southbound bike lane on Riddiford Street from Mein Street to Emmett Street, with a hook turn for people on bikes turning right into Rintoul Street
- a short section of shared bus and bike lane northbound from the Rintoul Street lights
- slightly relocating the northbound bus stop on Riddiford Street near Hall Street to make more space for bikes and queueing traffic.
What to expect during installation
The main contractor doing the work is JFC. The work includes installing raised crossings and bus platforms, painting new road markings, and installing dividers between bike lanes and traffic lanes.
Hours for the remaining work will generally be 9am-4pm, though road marking usually happens at night. The work will be coordinated to minimise traffic at peak times. There will be a 30km/h speed limit around the immediate work areas.
Cones and barriers will be in place where required, but people will be able to get to shops and businesses in the vicinity, and people on foot will be able to safely get past the work site and cross the road. If any issues should arise around access or deliveries, construction staff on site will be able to help.
Bus stops may be moved slightly while work happens and people on bikes will have to ride in the bus or traffic lanes as directed by traffic management until each section of the route is complete and fully open.