Artist's impression of Courtenay Place at night
Once complete, Courtenay Place will be more open and a much more attractive destination, drawing visitors and locals alike to the area.
Hospitality businesses will be able to use new flexible dining areas, giving them more space to share their excellent food and drink with Wellingtonians and visitors.
We know loading zones are critical for business, so we’re significantly increasing the total amount of space dedicated to them, from the current 151.5 metres to a new 238 metres, located on Courtenay Place itself as well as near the intersections with Cambridge Tce, Blair St, Allen St, Tory St and Taranaki St.
This report covers a retail market assessment of the proposed options for the Golden Mile, conducted by Ernst & Young.
This summary provides an overview of research into the long-term effects, benefits and risks of how traffic will move through the Golden Mile.
Learn about how we're improving safety and accessibility for pedestrians and people spending time on Courtenay Place.
Explore what the changes mean for everyone moving in and around Courtenay Place - from pedestrians and cyclists, through to public transport, private vehicles, delivery drivers and authorised vehicles.
Learn about how we're collaborating with Wellington Water to renew and reinforce the pipes underground during Courtenay Place construction.
Learn about what these changes will mean for businesses in the area.
Learn about how we've engaged with mana whenua to develop a cultural narrative and designs.
Learn how construction is expected to roll out, and how you can still access businesses in the area.
Read all the detailed plans, engagement summaries, research and more.