The information on this page outlines the proposals we consulted on.

We’re proposing changes to parking along this route to more fairly balance the needs of people who live or work here, walk, bike, drive, and use the area in different ways. Most of the changes are on the seaward side of Evans Bay Parade.

Reallocating street space, especially in the narrowest places where we are proposing parking spaces be removed, will make this area safer and more accessible for everyone.

Changing the parking times will mean more people can do the things they want to do - such as visiting friends, going to one of the cafés, walking the dog, taking the kids for a bike ride or just having a stroll by the sea. 

Greta Point area

In the Greta Point area, the proposed changes will improve people's access to businesses and some recreation facilities, make room for new pedestrian crossings, and allow more short-stay spaces for drop-offs and pick-ups. 

There will be: 

  • a slight increase in the overall number of car parks in this area (about seven extra spaces)
  • P90 parking to replace all existing P120 and P60 parking 
  • a mix of P90, P10 and unrestricted parking on the seaward side outside Greta Point Apartments and the café (currently a mix of P120 and no time restrictions)  
  • a mix of P90 and unrestricted parking on the seaward side opposite Greta Point Café and the apartment building (currently a mix of P120 and no time restrictions)  
  • two parking spaces outside Greta Point Café (one P90 and one P10) - two spaces would be removed to make room for a new pedestrian crossing
  • three extra spaces on the hill side of the street outside Te Aro Pā kāinga (no changes to the time restrictions here)
  • no changes to the parking outside the childcare centres.

Cog Park area

  • P180 parking around the edge of Cog Park, including the mobility park (currently no time restrictions)
  • Addition of a P10 drop-off space at the Hataitai beach end of Cog Park 

Hataitai beach area – the narrowest section

  • Most parking spaces removed on both sides of the street between the Hataitai beach end of Cog Park and Evans Bay Yacht Club
  • P10 spaces for about two vehicles near the boat sheds for drop-offs and pick-ups, and about five spaces with no time restrictions

Yacht club to Cobham Drive

In the area between the yacht club and Cobham Drive, most of the proposed parking changes are on the seaward side. The section between the yacht club and the northern end of Evans Bay Marina is also one of the narrowest sections of the route. These changes will make things safer and easier for everyone, with better visibility and wider traffic lanes for large trucks and buses so they do not cross the centre line. 

  • All parking spaces removed on the seaward side of the street between the yacht club and the northern end of the marina
  • This means there will be parking spaces for about 50 cars on both sides (down from about 132 spaces) between the yacht club and Cobham Drive, with no time restrictions
  • Some changes to parking on the hill side of the street are likely in a few places to improve visibility and lane widths
  • At this stage, we are not proposing parking restrictions for this area, but it is something we will consider as the project progresses

 Download and read the parking management plan (12MB .pdf)

We’ve talked with a wide range of people, businesses, groups and organisations in the past year to try to find the best way to balance different needs and aspirations on this stretch of the coastal route.