Oriental Bay to Greta Point

This section of the route goes along Oriental Parade from Carlton Gore Road and along Evans Bay Parade as far as Greta Point. The paths, seawalls and landscaping from Oriental Bay to Little Karaka Bay, and from Weka Bay to Greta Point, are complete

Construction on the remaining section between Little Karaka and Balaena bays will be completed in September 2024. This is the narrowest part of the route and work has included strengthening and upgrading the seawalls at both bays.



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  • The two-way bike path will be between the footpath and the road, at the same level as the footpath.
  • The widths of the paths will vary depending on the space available. 
  • New seawalls at Little Karaka Bay (60m long) and Balaena Bay south of the toilet block (25m long) up to footpath level will help to create more space.
  • There will be a new balustrade fence along the route.
  • Most parking will remain along this stretch.
  • Bus stops on the seaward side will have a buffer between the kerb and bike path for people getting on and off buses.
  • A new pedestrian crossing will be installed at Balaena Bay and a safer crossing point at Weka Bay.
  • The footpath at Little Karaka Bay will be at a lower level than the bike path.
  • The Maida Vale Road intersection and the entry/exit at Balaena Bay car park will be made safer.

You can view the detailed plans and the video below gives a quick overview what's happening and where.

These bus stop relocations were approved by Councillors in 2018 following community feedback in 2017.

Detailed design for this area between Little Karaka Bay and Weka Bay has involved more discussion with some local residents. 

  • Northbound bus stop outside 48/50 Evans Bay Parade relocated to be outside 56/60 Evans Bay Parade.
  • Northbound bus stop outside 90 Evans Bay Parade to be removed.
  • Southbound bus stop located at Balaena Bay public changing rooms relocated 20m further south.
  • Southbound bus stop opposite 128 Evans Bay Parade relocated to be opposite 148 Evans Bay Parade. 
  • Northbound bus stop at 212 Evans Bay Parade relocated to be outside 208 Evans Bay Parade.
  • Southbound bus stop opposite 220 Evans Bay Parade relocated about 20m further south.

Ōmarukaikuru Point Jerningham changes

See how the Ōmarukaikuru Point Jerningham area looked before the work was completed.

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