The options we considered for bike/bus improvements

The aim of Wellington’s bike network plan is to create a citywide network of connected bike routes to improve safety, increase the role of cycling in the transport network, and improve environmental and health outcomes. At the same time, we look to make improvements for pedestrians and people who take the bus.

Our transport planners developed possible options for how we could improve the route between Churchill Drive and Wadestown shops, looking at things from a range of perspectives, thinking about all the possibilities and what could be achieved in line with best practice and national guidelines.

Plans have been reviewed by various internal and external stakeholders, including Waka Kotahi, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and cycling, walking and accessibility representatives.

As well as safety and comfort for pedestrians, and people riding or taking the bus, we also considered street and vehicle widths, intersections, impacts of lower speeds, and the effects on parking availability. Options not progressed included using other routes and widening streets by digging up kerbs.

Blackbridge Road and Wadestown Road (Blackbridge Road to Weld Street)

There were two options for this section:

Option 1: separated uphill bike lane, removing all parking, sharrows on the shared downhill traffic lane

Option 2: painted uphill bike lane, parking removed on the downhill side, intermittent parking retained on the uphill side, sharrows on the shared downhill traffic lane

Option 1 received the highest score, so we have gone with this but without the physical separation to provide better protection for people on bikes and so drivers and buses don’t have to wait behind them. The street is not wide enough to provide a safe space and retain some of the parking on one side.

You can read more about the options we considered in the Multi-criteria analysis report.