Wadestown map

The quickest and easiest way to view the proposed parking changes in Wadestown is to use the interactive map. You can look up an address, zoom in/out and view the streets before and after. 

Go to the map 

Supporting documents

Traffic Resolution - TR56-24

This document describes in detail the proposed changes to the Wadestown streets. 

TR56-24 Wadestown Street Changes FINAL (36 MB)

Parking restrictions plans

This document is a full set of plans for the proposed parking restrictions on the Wadestown streets.

APPENDIX THREE Proposed Parking Restrictions (32 MB)

Wadestown parking business case

This document includes the options we considered for parking changes in Wadestown.

Wadestown PkMP Business Case v1.0 signed (2.8 MB)

Bus and bike connection supporting documents

Bike lane plans

This document contains a full drawing set of the proposed changes on Blackridge Road and Wadestown Road between Churchill Drive and Pitt Street.

APPENDIX FOUR: Bike lane plans (3.1 MB)

Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) report

You can read about the options that were considered and why we progressed one option into design.

Wadestown bike network connection Multi Criteria Analysis (5.6 MB)

Safety and Accessibility audit

This is an independent safety and accessibility audit of the proposed changes.

Wadestown Stage 2 Safety and Accessibility Audit (1.7 MB)